Lavinia Group is excited to partner with Maryland Leads schools in science of reading to accelerate learning and ensure all children can read proficiently.
Lavinia Group is thrilled to have been chosen to participate in the Maryland Leads Partner Program to provide services and support to Maryland Local Education Agencies for the Science of Reading. Our team of professional educators has experience in diverse school settings, a variety of instructional materials and provides on-going support to educators.
Our Model
We partner with schools to achieve outstanding and lasting results through engagements that focus on developing teacher and leader capacity to improve literacy instruction and reading achievement. We achieve results through high-impact science of reading methods that focus on systematic phonics, structured small group literacy instruction, close reading text analysis, vocabulary routines, and content-based read aloud with discussions. This holistic approach has yielded unparalleled results for our partner schools.
Flexible Services
- Hands-on/Immersive Support – Our experienced coaches provide hands-on, side-by-side support that includes modeling, coaching, intellectual preparation, student work and data analysis, and instructional management.
- Capacity-Building – To build sustained capacity, our team emphasizes frequent modeling, practice and reflection so that the impact of professional learning continues well beyond the grant period.
- Results-driven – Setting and achieving goals is crucial in the work of student learning. Schools implementing the Lavinia Group model have achieved significant improvements in learning outcomes for their students.
- Lavinia Group Institutes - All partner schools participate in training institutes that allow them to engage in collaborative professional learning communities with educators from across the country. Institutes span a variety of topics rooted in the science of reading research to ensure students are reading on grade level by 3rd grade. Phonics instruction is the focus of multiple institutes. Institutes are also offered as a stand-alone service to LEAs.
Lavinia Group provides schools flexibility to access engaging, embedded, and results-oriented professional learning in every aspect of its work with LEAs and at the classroom level. We have worked with partners across the country, including Maryland, and shown that educator capacity, and resulting student growth, can be achieved through the successful implementation of this hands-on model. One of the hallmarks of our work with school systems is our flexibility and desire to meet the needs of each school system.
Learn More
Please click here or reach out to Jackie Taslim at for more information about how to partner together for the Maryland Leads Grant.