Our Work Delivers Lasting Improvements and
Change in Math and Literacy Instruction
Our Work Delivers Lasting Improvements and Change in Math and Literacy Instruction
We’ve challenged the status quo of long-standing educational practices that haven’t kept pace with advancing research. Our impact is the result of our relentless pursuit of evidence-based, research-driven methods, and our unwavering commitment to ensuring that students from all walks of life have the opportunity to achieve their fullest potential.
We're a Team of Educators with a Rich History of Boosting Math and Literacy Achievement with our:
Literacy Achievement
Literacy Programs That Ensure Every Student Excels at Reading and Writing
Research drives our development of curriculum, instructional teaching methods, and professional development to transform the way literacy is taught and learned. Our approach rapidly delivers triple-digit gains in literacy.
Lavina Group Boosts Proficiency in One Year in Maryland’s Largest School District
"Montgomery County Public Schools, grappling with low elementary reading proficiency rates, pilots a program at East Silver Spring that focuses on consistent data monitoring and professional development to identify and target individual students’ weaknesses. MCPS partnered with the Lavinia Group, a company that helps schools 'close the opportunity gap' by providing training and teaching resources."
The result:
“A 26 percentage point increase in the number of second-grade students able to read on grade level, and a 29 percentage point increase among third graders, according to MCPS data.”
Article courtesy of MoCo 360Media

Montgomery County Public Schools Maryland

Montgomery County Public Schools Maryland
Students in all grades implementing Lavinia Group’s methods grew between 15 and 20 percentage points in reading from September 2020 to June 2021. MCPS utilized the following supports:
- Leader & Teacher Coaching
- Institute Courses
- Summer School

Lavinia Group Partners with Maryland State Department of Education
Maryland Leads Grant Funds Professional Development in Science of Reading
“Baltimore, MD – Lavinia Group, a leading provider of K-8 curricula and professional development for teachers and school leaders, today announced that its hands-on and high-impact professional development services will be included in the Maryland Leads Grant, a new program that will support Local Education Agencies (LEA)s across the state. Maryland Leads is a new grant initiative that allocates federal funds to overcome the learning loss resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, accelerate student learning to narrow gaps in academic achievement, and provide more targeted support for historically underserved students and their communities.”
Article courtesy of Maryland State Department of Education

of the participants in New Jersey said they would recommend Lavinia Group’s professional development in early literacy to a colleague.
Lavinia Partners See Double-Digit ELA Growth on 2022 State Exams
Data from a sample of 29 Lavinia partner schools revealed an average year-over-year growth of 57.4% on end-of-year state English Language Arts exams from 2021 to 2022.
Average Percentage Point Growth as Measured by End-of-Year ELA State Assessments

What Our Are Saying

“The Lavinia Group team members were the ideal guides through the complex world of raising rigor in ELA instruction. They helped us paint a clear vision for what we wanted college prep reading and writing instruction to look like in our schools and then provided professional development and coaching to help us get there. Working with them, we were able to dramatically increase the proportion of our students who were meeting and exceeding standards.”
Max Koltuv | Former Superintendent, Achievement First
D.C. Schools Lead in PARCC ELA Growth
Lavinia Partners Secure 7 of Top 13 Spots in 2023 Exams
Lavinia school partners in Washington D.C. saw an average of 17.7 percentage point growth in ELA on D.C.s PARCC Exam in 2023.

7 of the top 13 schools in PARCC ELA proficiency from 2022 to 2023 were Lavinia partners.
2023 Summer Program Boosts ELA Scores
Lavinia Partners Experience 189% Growth in Proficiency with 5-Week Program

Lavinia's RISE Summer Learning Program, in collaboration with community-based organizations, philanthropic entities, and schools nationwide, expanded its reach from 3,000 to 25,000 students in just three years.
This readily deployable, high-quality summer school initiative recorded an 18 percentage point increase in literacy achievement scores from pre-test to post-test.
We're redefining the journey to math mastery by building skills students can carry with them beyond the classroom. Our approach is centered on nurturing transferable mathematical understanding in students. We dive deep into student work, using it as a compass to guide coaching strategies and to spark rich student discourse.
NYC Schools Excel in Math Scores
Lavinia Group Partner Schools Surpass Statewide Performance
Lavinia Group partners outperformed proficiency rates from 2019–outshining growth achieved by non-Lavinia Group partners, including NYC Charters, NYCDOE, and NY State.

2023 Average Proficiency Rates Achieved by Lavinia Group Partners
Elementary NYS Math
Middle School NYS Math
Percent Proficient in Elementary Math

Percent Proficient in Middle School Math

2023 Summer Program Lifts Math Proficiency
Lavinia Partners Experienced 120% Growth in Proficiency in Just 5 Weeks
Lavinia's RISE Summer Learning Program, in collaboration with community-based organizations, philanthropic entities, and schools nationwide saw a 17 percentage point increase in math achievement scores from pre-test to post-test.

Lavinia's RISE Summer Learning Program, in collaboration with community-based organizations, philanthropic entities, and schools nationwide saw a 17 percentage point increase in math achievement scores from pre-test to post-test.
Rapid Gains, Sustainable
Accelerate math and literacy achievement with professional learning by Lavinia Group. To set up a no-pressure meeting to see if our approach is a good fit for your schools, please complete the form below.