Lavinia Group provides school systems with transformational support in order to dramatically improve student outcomes. Each partner agreement is customized and tailored to meet the needs of the district and charter schools we work with.

Schools that achieve maximum results in growth work with Lavinia Group to incorporate the following five strategies.


Planning &


Lavinia Group Institutes


Core & Supplemental Curriculum


In-person & Virtual Consulting/Coaching


Lavinia Group RISE Summer School

Planning and Design

We begin with a series of planning & design sessions with school, network, or district leadership. During this time we analyze current data, set goals, develop systems for instructional management, and determine necessary professional development supports. These planning & design sessions lead to a roadmap for how we will achieve our goals.

Lavinia Group Institutes

Teachers and leaders attend virtual or in-person professional development Institutes where they will learn research-based, data-driven instructional methods. These interactive sessions bring together educators from across the country and take place during the summer months and continue at various points throughout the school year.

Core & Supplemental Curriculum

Many partners elect to adopt Lavinia Group’s curriculum that is launched after teachers and leaders attend professional development Institutes. Lavinia Group offers curriculum in the following areas: Close Reading for Meaning™, Math for Meaning Story Problems™, Insight Humanities™, Insight Social Studies™, Insight Middle Courses™.

In-person & Virtual Consulting/Coaching

To minimize the training-execution gap, we support effective implementation of instructional methods and curriculum implementation through in-person and virtual instructional consulting and coaching. These support days include all aspects of Lavinia Group’s Rapid Improvement Cycle.

Lavinia Group RISE Summer School

To support learning all year long, schools then participate in Lavinia Group’s RISE Summer School. This 5-week program provides high-quality instructional materials and professional development for teachers.


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