Grant Deadline: June 2nd, 2023
Inspired by the successful 1008 Student Learning Recovery model out of Indianapolis, Lavinia Group is excited to partner with the Indiana Department of Education to provide a high-quality summer learning program the Student Learning Recovery Grant - Expanding What Works. Schools partner with lead regional organizations to receive grant funding of up to $1,500 per student to fund and deploy your summer learning program.
Eligible regional grantees include:
- Community-based organizations,
- Education service centers,
- Non-profit community organizations, and
- Municipal entities.
Lavinia Group provides a robust math and literacy curriculum and ongoing support through teacher onboarding training and virtual professional development.

Monday, May 22, 2023 3:30-4:15pm ET
Informational Webinar
Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 241 862 454 252
Passcode: xsxWVM
Deadline for Regional Grantee Applications: Friday, June 2, 2023
The RISE Summer Program for 1st through 9th-grade students provides teachers and leaders with ready-to-use instructional materials and data analysis tools. Our curriculum includes student coaching guides, lesson plans, student discussion guides, and a variety of learning activities.
Materials & Texts
Visit the ordering page of our preferred book vendor, Mackin, to order your texts now
Curriculum Samples
Close Reading for Meaning™ Student Materials
Insight Humanities™ Grade 2 Teacher Materials
Insight Humanities™ Grade 7 Teacher Materials
Math for Meaning™ Story Problems
Math for Meaning™ Story Problems Student Materials
Sample Pacing Guide
Sample Schedules
ELA Curriculum Standards
Math Curriculum Standards
High-quality professional learning to support curriculum implementation is the single most effective way to produce transformative results and eliminate inconsistent outcomes.
Lavinia Group creates an immersive summer school experience for teachers. RISE Teacher Training Week & Weekly Development Meetings are filled with collaboration, learning activities and reflection. Engage in lesson planning with the same educational experts who created the curriculum, solve challenges encountered in the classroom, and practice proven methods for instruction.
Lavinia Group has created pre- and post-assessments that will be available for all schools for rising 1st - 9th grade.
The assessments will include a combination of both multiple choice and open-response questions. (With the exception of Rising 1st-3rd for ELA, which is open response writing.)
Lavinia Group will provide scoring guides and aligned rubrics as well as virtual professional development trainings on how to administer and score the assessments.
All assessments will be administered through Edcite, a widely-used assessment platform. The data will be available for school leaders to analyze.
We recommend assessments are administered digitally, but if needed can also be administered via pen and paper.
RISE Assessment Overview & Design
How can we help you?
Complete the form below to learn more about INDOE's partnership with Lavinia Group's RISE Summer Program.